How To Pick The Best Treatment For Angina Relief

By Peter Gray

Your doctor may diagnose you with chest pains that are caused by blockages in the arteries of your heart. To relieve the chest pains, you must get rid of the blockages. Many treatment options can be used to treat chest pains. However, you must know the type of chest pains that you have. When your heart is being overworked, you may develop chronic stable chest pains. However, unstable chest pains indicate that the pain is getting worse. Variant chest pains are caused when the coronary arteries are having spasms. A disease in the small coronary artery may also cause microvascular chest pains. The following are treatment options for Angina Relief.

If you have chest pains that are unstable, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible. You will need immediate hospitalization as well as medication to relieve the symptoms and stabilize your condition. You may also undergo heart surgery and angioplasty if the condition is worse.

One of the treatment options for angina is stenting or angioplasty. This treatment helps your heart to keep open and relieves the chest pains. There are however some risks involved with this treatment. For instance, blockages might re-form after the stent has been implanted. A blood clot may also form in the stent. Additionally, you may have risks like heart attack and stroke. If the stent is placed in your heart, you will need to take aspirin as long as you live.

The second treatment option is the use of medications. When you use drugs, you may not need stenting or angioplasty. Some of the medications that can relieve the symptoms include aspirin, nitrates, statins, beta blockers, Ranexa, calcium channel blockers, and ACE inhibitors. If these medications do not work, stenting or bypass surgery may be opted for.

EECP therapy is also a common treatment option that doctors use. It relieves the symptoms and improves the flow of blood to your heart. This treatment is done by cuffing the legs and applying pressure on them. The pressure is done rhythmically with the heart. This therapy has been found to work on several patients, and it significantly reduces the chest pains.

Moreover, you are advised to make lifestyle changes that will help in reducing the pains and pressures on your chest. This is a must, and any doctor you visit will advise you to change your lifestyle. Thus, you should reduce or quit smoking, change your diet, exercise often, reduce weight, avoid stress and take foods that have low cholesterol to improve your health.

Make sure you talk with your doctor so that he/she advises you on the best treatment for your condition. People who have stenting and angioplasty tend to feel better faster. Their chest pain may decrease more quickly compared to people that take medications only. However, medications are cheaper and require no recovery time.

Before you decide to be operated on, it is wise to try using medications and changing your lifestyle. These may help you avoid surgery if you get better. However, if there will be no changes, you can now consider stenting or coronary heart surgery as it may work better.

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