Coping And Living With Hepatitis C

By William Young

There are some illnesses that generally do not go away that easily and simply need to be managed over time so that one does not get bothered by the symptoms, which is sometimes the case for the condition known as hepatitis C. While living with hepatitis C may damage the liver in the long run, there are ways to manage it and at times even cure it. For those who have it, here are a few things to know about dealing with it.

Now, before anything else, it is important to first have a short background on the condition. Firstly, it is more prevalent in baby boomers than in most generations of people in the US. This disease, also known as HCV, does not really showcase any symptoms until a decade later which is why there are many who do not know whether they have contracted it or not.

Now, another thing to take note of is that it is highly contagious and can be passed through used medical tools, hygiene tools, or by blood transfusion. The first type one may get is the acute variant which can be cured easily after around six months of medication. The other type is the chronic type which stays there for years and may even lead to some risks like liver cancer.

If ever one has gone to the doctor and tested positive, then treatment will have to start right away. Take note that it is a little tricky to know which HCV is inside the body as there are many strains that exist with the Type one strain being the most common. However, one may get other types depending on how he or she got the virus.

When one is tested positive, then the first thing the doctors would do would be to prescribe medicines such as Elbasvir, Ledipasvir, or Glecaprevir. This is done in the earlier stages in the event that the disease is still in its acute form. By administering medicines like these, one may be able to cure the disease.

It would be harder to cure of the HCV has already reached a chronic stage although still quite possible if approached properly. However, just medicines will not work anymore as the liver may already start to be affected. In this case, one may actually need to change his or her lifestyle.

Next, one has to start eating a healthier diet with less fatty and oily foods. Eating more white meat and more vegetables plus fruits is a must while getting daily exercise and eight hours of sleep. Lastly, it is important for one to stop drinking alcohol and smoking as that also affects the liver.

As mentioned above, one should take management medicines while changing his or her lifestyle. It does help if one takes supplements that support the liver and keep it strong. All these are important to take note of if one has HCV. As long as one follows these tips given above, then it is possible to manage or even cure the dreaded disease.

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