What To Know About Iris Cysts & Electromagnetic Therapy For Dogs

By Robin Setser

A dog's eyesight is vital, which is why it's important to know when it might be compromised. This brings us to the topic of iris cysts, which develop around the interior of the eye. Furthermore, if left alone for too long, these can develop to the point where they negatively impact eyesight. For pet owners across the board, here is what you should know about iris cysts, in addition to the help that PEMF therapy for dogs may be able to provide.

Before we get into treating or preventing iris cysts, it's important to understand how they develop in the first place. Companies like Assisi Animal Health can tell you that the main cause is trauma to the eye. This condition can also be genetic, meaning that if a puppy has a cyst, it's fair to assume that one of their parents had the same condition. Causes like these are what pet owners should be mindful of.

How do you know if your dog has iris cysts, you may wonder? First, you must look at your pet's eyes and see if there are any abnormal spots. While some dogs have noticeable cysts, others may require you to get close and squint in order to detect. It's also worth noting that their colors vary, so it's not like every canine's situation will be the same. By consulting your local medical specialist, a number of suggestions could be made, electromagnetic treatment for dogs included.

For those that don't know what the aforementioned method entails, it focuses on electromagnetic waves that relieve discomfort and speed up the healing process. Your vet may or may not recommend this, depending on your pet's situation. Beyond this, iris cysts tend to heal well on their own. Only in a situation where your dog's condition isn't improving will they have to undergo further treatment. In any event, your pet isn't without help.

When it comes to conditions involving a dog's eyes, the utmost care must be taken. The same logic applies to iris cysts, which can be more serious than they seem. As stated earlier, most cases involve healing without any medical involvement, which should place the concerns of pet owners at ease. This doesn't mean that you shouldn't inquire, so don't be shy about contacting your veterinarian and setting up an appointment.

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