Simple Tips On Attaining Angina Relief Effectively And Naturally

By Virginia Baker

Even though the heart is an organ that pumps blood to the various parts of the body, it still needs to be supplied with blood. Without enough blood that contains oxygen, chest pain is experienced. According to health authorities, such is something that can increase a person's risk of having a heart attack. Needless to say, it's a very serious matter. One should carefully follow the treatment plan provided by a doctor to keep complications at bay. There are also a few ways to effectively attain angina relief, although informing a doctor before trying any one of them is highly recommended.

Lemon. Tons of antioxidants present in lemon juice are superb at reducing cholesterol. One reason why the heart sometimes fails to get plenty of oxygenated blood is the narrowing of the arteries due to high levels of cholesterol. Including lemon juice in the diet can assist in managing high cholesterol and also the numerous problems it comes with.

Pineapples. Aside from antioxidants, there are certain naturally existing compounds in pineapples that are proven effective for reducing cholesterol. It's for this reason why you should regularly consume fresh pineapples. If they're not in season, fret not as 100 percent pure pineapple juice in cans may be taken instead.

Garlic. Making this popular culinary herb very good for dealing with heart pain is that it's capable of thinning the blood. As a result of this, blood can get to the heart muscles even if there's narrowing of the arteries. According to experts, swallowing 2 to 3 raw garlic cloves per day may lower risk of heart attack and stroke.

Onion. Another herb found in the kitchen that is superb at relieving angina is onion. To obtain the full health benefits it's known to offer, consume it uncooked or juiced. While onion can certainly cause your breath to stink, it can surely keep your chest from feeling achy.

Ginger tea. Brewing and consuming ginger tea a couple of times a day can help in preventing chest pain from striking. That's because it is scientifically proven to deal with various factors that can cause such problem to strike. Ginger tea can assist in lowering the resting heart rate, blood pressure and also cholesterol.

Honey. Unlike refined sugar, honey won't cause inflammation that can harm the circulatory system. Using it as a sweetener can help in reducing the blood pressure as well as cholesterol levels. Honey also helps deal with obesity and diabetes, both of which can put the heart in grave danger. It's important, however, to check that the honey that's about to be consumed is the pure and organic kind because something artificial can actually do more harm than good.

Other than these above mentioned strategies, it's also a must for the individual to opt for a healthier lifestyle to keep at bay issues that can result in an achy chest. Smoking, for instance, should be avoided by a smoker because it's regarded as a heart disease risk factor. Alcohol intake should be done moderately. It's suggested, too, for stress to be minimized and also enough shut eye to be obtained.

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